Lisa Rose's Blog

she's a rebel, she's a saint, she's the salt of the earth, and she's dangerous

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Good news!

I just left the doctor's office, and my foot is healing well! That means I can wear normal shoes now, as long as they have a stiff bottom and it doesn't hurt too much. Yay!

I've survived the first five days of school. I'm feeling much better after a few days and figuring out those little details like, where's my mailbox, which copier makes duplex copies, which door I go out for bus duty....And I'm actually remembering almost all my students' names, which is a good thing.

As I'm starting the year, I'm already thinking about next year...I'm told it's a textbook adoption year. That's good because I'll get to put in some input on what book might be best. It could be frustrating though, because a lot of the work time I'm spending now is because I'm adjusting to the curriculum and figuring out what's there and how best to use it. So if we choose a new textbook next year, then I'll have to learn that one. However, given a choice between using a known curriculum or using one that's better, I'd pick the better one, so I guess when the time comes, I'll see what's out there.

Oh yeah, and my feet hurt. My feet always seem to hurt for a few weeks after school starts, because I stand a lot when I'm teaching and my feet aren't used to it. It's a bit worse this year with a broken foot, but not as bad as I feared....

Oy, back home now, to amuse the cat, and perhaps myself. (We got a new laser pointer. If you haven't seen Simon chase the little red dot, well, it's a show!)



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