Lisa Rose's Blog

she's a rebel, she's a saint, she's the salt of the earth, and she's dangerous

Friday, June 30, 2006

My Teacher Life

I finally have lots of students, so I'm busier, my cat likes me, I get to have a nice work-free Friday is good! (Mostly, at least)

Yesterday was one of those days that reminded me why I am a teacher. I woke up grumpy and didn't want to go work. But I didn't have even a shred of an excuse not to, so off I went anyway. My first students were a couple of extremely cute kids who were quite excited about learning to read. Then I went to a new family where I gave my first English lessons to four kids and their mom who alternately participated to try to learn along or herded her kids around to keep them paying attention. I have never, never seen people so excited to learn English. Or to learn anything, for that matter.

In the end, it was quite energizing, and I had a lot of fun, though I was pretty wiped out by the end of the day.


Saturday, June 24, 2006

Quick Update...

...while I'm at a computer, before I run off because I'm hungry!

I have more students now, so I'll actually be busier this week. Other activities: stripping paint off the bathroom walls, keeping up the garden, lying in my hammock (ahh!), spilling fish food on the cat (don't ask).

Linguistic note: I believe that the word "just" is becoming what I call a "filler word", like the words "like" and "you know" and "umm". It's not quite as broad yet, but it's on my linguistic/sociological radar now. Maybe I'll go into a broader explanation sometime, as I've been meaning to, but I don't have time now. Here are some examples of the ways I've heard it:

First I noticed it prominently in prayer in some circles, a la, "Father, I just want to thank you for just making me how you wanted...."

But it's broader than that now, e.g. "I just want to thank you for coming down here today."
"It's, just, so hard to find good fresh fruit."

Anyone else hear any others? Leave a comment. I'd love to factor them into my linguistic analysis.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Random Potpourri

I got a call from one of my bosses today, and I have my first students to tutor! Adrienne and I are going to be going there in about an hour to meet them (hopefully, if they are home), and determine what materials they need, so that we can pick them up in Indianapolis on Friday.

I've been mostly sitting at home lately, waiting for the students to be found, so it's nice to have some work to do. On the plus side, I had plenty of time to organize all my materials, so I know exactly what things I have.

I found the mix of perennial wildflowers from Anne and Jeffery's wedding, so I think I'll plant them sometime today or tomorrow. I'm not quite sure where to plant them, though, because I don't know what kind of wildflowers they are - how tall they are, whether they will want sun. Guess we'll see. Unless anyone else has planted them and has had them come up already? (It has been 3 years now....)

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