Lisa Rose's Blog

she's a rebel, she's a saint, she's the salt of the earth, and she's dangerous

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

News, and Either a Stalker or a Conspiracy

So...we are officially having a boy! (Or a girl with an extra leg....)

After the exciting ultrasound last night and getting fun pictures I wanted to show off, we headed over to my dad's house to show off the "baby" pictures. While we were sitting there talking, my dad answered the phone, and it was for me. Weird, I thought, Who's calling me here? But, having just sent a mass e-mail with the gender to lots of family, I figured it was probably my grandma or some other family member calling to chat. Strange that they would call my parents' number rather than my cell, but you never know with my grandma, or maybe I missed my cell and they called that number as a last ditch try.

So...I answered the phone and it was....the Obama campaign! ???!?!! Blink. Nevermind the fact that the Obama campaign didn't even exist when I last lived there (about 8 years ago), I couldn't even vote when I lived there! (The first election I could vote in came after I went to college.) So, logically after she gave her introduction and asked about volunteering, I said, "Do you know I don't live here?" My next logical options were that they had mixed up names or my dad heard the wrong name, being all L's in the female side of my family. (Though that's not much more logical as neither Linda nor Leanne can vote.) And she said, "This is Lisa Martin?" Well, yes...but I explained it was my parents' house and gave her my correct phone number.

How did they get it?!? I'm sure if I gave phone number when I joined the Goshen for Obama group, it was my cell. So...either I have a stalker, following my every move and selling the info to the highest bidder (or giving it away for fun) or there's a vast conspiracy following me and I should check my belongings for GPS devices.

In all seriousness, I'm not sure if I'm more baffled by the fact that they somehow had that particular number for me, or that they just happened to call in the short time I was there, after not having visited over there for about 2 weeks.

Tip to random stalker: If you want to annoy me, rather than just baffle me, give my whereabouts to the McCain campaign, or the NRA.

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Come to Our Church!

Here is a website with some, umm, interesting, real church signs. Do YOU want to go to these churches?

Here are some of my favorites....

Poor #1 reason to be a Christian!

Umm, you might want to leave the kids at home for this sermon....

Ahh, thanks for the helpful advice!

I can't even comment on this one. It makes me want to cry.

God could dominate the world himself, being omnipotent, but he'd prefer you to do it for him....

Again, you might want to think about leaving the kids at home for this one....

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