Lisa Rose's Blog

she's a rebel, she's a saint, she's the salt of the earth, and she's dangerous

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First Restaurant Trip

So, Jared had his first trip to a restaurant last night and seemed to survive it. We went to Applebee's with Ryan and Jamie last night (after watching the latest episode of Battlestar Galactica - Woo hoo!). He slept through most of the time, even though we had slow service....I even got to eat my whole meal before he woke up and decided it was his dinner time. Definitely different with a baby....Jeff and I had to squish into our side of the booth, which also had the car seat. And Jamie had to maneuver carefully into her side, as the table was closer to that side and it was skinnier. (I remember the last time we went out to eat when I was pregnant, I didn't even fit into the booth and we had to get a table!)

The only problem was a minor incident in which a crazed screaming child two booths away flung a piece of silverware all the way across the room to our booth. It looked like it almost hit sleeping Jared in the head. Fortunately it didn't, and he kept on sleeping, while we all threw dirty looks at the poor apologetic mom in the other booth. Probably lucky for her that it didn't hit him, as all four adults at the table would have most likely gone ballistic at that point. I hope Jared never throws silverware when he's older. At least not that far.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Martin Look-alike Meter

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

3 Weeks Old Today

It's hard to believe that 3 weeks ago I was in the hospital in labor. Now we've got a (big!) boy, who's very interested in the world around him (when he's not more interested in eating or sleeping, anyway....)! It would sure be nice if he'd sleep longer at night, but we're working on it. Ha, ha, ha.

It's very strange to think that Jared is a completely brand new individual person who didn't even exist a year ago! Isn't life amazing!

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