Lisa Rose's Blog

she's a rebel, she's a saint, she's the salt of the earth, and she's dangerous

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy first day of spring!!!

And it's even nice out.

So, at least officially, according to the calendar, I have survived my 26th winter. Woot!


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Still Alive...but of questionable mental capacities

Apparently I could use a little more sleep. Today was a fairly uneventful day at school, and I didn't seem to be particularly stressed out or tired. But by the time I got to my last class, my brain seemed to have slowed to a crawl. Then while writing on the overhead, I could think of how to spell the word "experiment". So after wavering between e and i and e and i (after the p), my class told me. This is particularly embarrassing since it was my level 1/2 class. (For those of you uninitiated in ENL culture, these are the lowest levels of English.) Sigh. Of course, philosophically, I believe that it is ok, and actually important for teachers to make mistakes and model how to think through them and accept correction graciously, so it didn't actually bother me on a gut level. Just a little ironic that the English teacher has to ask how to spell things.

Simon decided that I am not paying enough attention to him, so he jumped up onto the computer chair and attacked my arm. Then I had to take a break because he walked over my lap to push his head under my hand on the keyboard so I would pet him. Yes, Simon is the master of don't-pet-me-don't-pet-me-don't-pet-me-don't-pet-me-

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